Do you suffer from spots, wrinkles, and blotches? Chances are that your skin suffers from sun damage, leading to those age spots. Let us help you effectively address this and get your skin glowing and healthy again with age spot treatment in Indianapolis.
At SHarper Plastic Surgery, Spa + Salt Lounge we specialize in repairing sun damage that can make the skin seem unsightly with age spots. Age spots can affect any part of the body, although it’s most often the areas that are exposed to the sun that take the worst part of the damage. As well as looking unsightly, sun damage that is left untreated can cause skin cancer. Get proactive today and slow down the damage caused by the sun with our chemical peels.
We can also help you slow down skin aging. When your skin absorbs the sun’s ultraviolet rays, it accelerates the process of aging. This is visible to you as fine wrinkles that progressively get deeper, dark and light spots on areas of the skin that are exposed to the sun and blotches. These unsightly spots get progressively worse, but you don’t have to live with the effects of sun damage and age spots anymore. With our age spot treatment Indianapolis patients have an answer to these spots.
Chemical peels and laser treatments can effectively reverse sun damage and age spots. Unlike the chemical peels of yesteryears, today’s Indianapolis age spot treatment formulas are gentle and safe on the skin, and extremely effective. Laser treatment is another effective, non-toxic, and non-invasive therapy that makes use of light energy to repair and renew damaged skin cells gently.
Different types of acids are used to treat very specific problems caused by sun damage. At SHarper Plastic Surgery, Spa + Salt Lounge, our expert physicians will guide you on the best course of action for your specific problems.
Embrace your best confidence. Our board-certified surgeon and master injector are here to guide you toward an impeccably and authentically youthful appearance with personalized care and advanced solutions. Begin your journey with a consultation, and take the first step to a vibrantly confident future.
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SHarper Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery proudly offers laser treatments and chemical peels to help address sun damage such as age spots, freckles, melasma (pregnancy mask), redness, broken capillaries, and more with special peels as well as a laser.
Our experts will perform a thorough analysis, which will include the number of expected treatments needed, realistic expectations as well as any post-care instructions. Experience the relief of age spot treatment in Indianapolis.
Both chemical peels and laser therapies give the skin a refreshed appearance and correct any signs of age spots caused by sun damage.
IPL Sun Damage Laser treatments target age spots, freckles and facial veins to improve overall skin tone.
Chemical peels make use of acids to improve the skin. Different types of acids can be used at varying strengths. Some acids show immediate results while others take longer to act.
Medium-depth chemical peel to address melasma, sun damage, skin texture & acne
Addresses brown spots, freckles, broken capillaries & vessels
Our staff will go through what to expect the day of treatment as well as the days and weeks post-treatment. We are happy to answer any questions that you have and will make sure to follow up for your age spot treatment in Indianapolis. The laser often feels like a hot rubber band snap and will create a sunburn-like sensation in your skin that will typically last 30 minutes to a few hours. You are able to apply makeup post-treatment, but you will need to avoid direct sun exposure for the next few weeks.
Dark spots will turn darker and then flake off or fade. Redness and broken capillaries may subside, temporarily get darker and then lighter, or slightly bruise after the treatment.
Our chemical peels and laser therapies can be used on the face, arms, legs, and just about any other part of the body that has been affected by sun damage or has visible age spots.
We can treat sun damage and age spots virtually anywhere on the body.
Typically it takes 2 to 3 treatments to obtain the full desired results. We recommend scheduling your age spot treatment in Indianapolis in visits that are 3 to 6 weeks apart.
Start your path to feeling more confident and achieving that healthy, glowing skin by setting up a consultation with our talented aesthetic team over at SHarper Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. We’re all about helping you reach your skin goals without long recovery times. Our main focus isn’t just about looking good; it’s about making sure you feel your absolute best. Join our community of SHarper Babes!
Embrace your best confidence. Our board-certified surgeon and master injector are here to guide you toward an impeccably and authentically youthful appearance with personalized care and advanced solutions. Begin your journey with a consultation, and take the first step to a vibrantly confident future.
Sharper Plastic Surgery
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