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What Is A Mommy Makeover?

A mommy makeover is a combination of surgical procedures that aim to reverse the effects of childbirth on your body, such as sagging breasts, stretched abdominal muscles, and stubborn pockets of fat. Instead of addressing different areas of your body separately, which would lead to extended recovery periods for each surgery, Dr. Harper can address all of your concerns simultaneously. Some of the most common mommy makeover procedures include a breast lift, breast augmentation, and tummy tuck.

woman after mommy makeover in Indianapolis

Mommy Makeover Corrects:

  • Sagging breasts and loss of volume
  • Stretched or separated abdominal muscles
  • Excess skin and stubborn fat deposits
  • Changes in breast shape and position
  • Overall body contours affected by pregnancy
  • Loss of self-confidence due to post-pregnancy changes

To learn more about how a mommy makeover in Indianapolis can help you, contact us today for an appointment.

Why Choose a Mommy Makeover?

  • Comprehensive transformation in a single process
  • Personalized treatment plan for your needs
  • Restored breast volume and shape
  • Tightened abdominal muscles and smoother contours
  • Enhanced body confidence and self-esteem
  • Address multiple concerns in one surgical session
  • Efficient recovery and minimal downtime
  • Long-lasting results for both body and breasts

Your Mommy Makeover Consultation

As you prepare for your consultation, please remember to wear comfortable clothing that allows easy access to the areas you wish to address. Dr. Harper will ask about your concerns and take the time to understand your goals. During the assessment, he carefully examines your body, gauges skin laxity, measures fat distribution, and analyzes your physique to create a detailed plan that addresses your concerns. Furthermore, Dr. Harper also informs you about your options and empowers you to make an educated decision about your surgery.

woman happy after mommy makeover in Indianapolis

Your Mommy Makeover May Include…

Dr. Harper starts with a thorough assessment of your body to gain a deep understanding of your concerns. This empowers you to make informed decisions aligned with your goals. He curates a personalized treatment plan for your mommy makeover in Indianapolis, that blends various procedures to comprehensively address your specific needs. Each step is a result of careful consideration, resulting in a transformation that resonates with your vision.

Breast Lift

As a result of pregnancy-related changes like hormonal shifts, weight fluctuations, and breastfeeding, many women experience sagging breasts after childbirth. A breast lift can restore youthful contours and elevate your breasts. During a breast lift, excess skin is removed, and underlying tissues are tightened and reshaped, effectively reversing the effects of gravity and pregnancy. Whether through a vertical or anchor-shaped incision, Dr. Harper tailors the technique to enhance your overall breast proportions with minimal scarring.

Breast Augmentation

Pregnancy, breastfeeding, and hormonal changes can often lead to a loss of breast volume and shape. If you want to restore and enhance your breast volume, you can get saline or silicone implants to increase breast size, volume, and symmetry. Dr. Harper carefully evaluates your breasts, measures the loss of volume, and curates a personalized treatment plan, which involves selecting the appropriate implant type, size, and placement technique. This ensures your breasts reflect your aesthetic goals post mommy makeover in Indianapolis.

Tummy Tuck

The stretching of abdominal muscles and skin during pregnancy, coupled with the effects of weight gain and subsequent weight loss, can result in a condition known as rectus diastasis. This condition involves the separation of abdominal muscles, leading to a weakened core and a persistent pooch that can be challenging to address through diet and exercise alone. Dr. Harper can perform a tummy tuck, or abdominoplasty, to tighten weakened abdominal muscles, trim away excess skin, and restore your abdominal integrity.


After pregnancy, some women find themselves with persistent, stubborn fat deposits that resist traditional methods of reduction. These fat pockets often arise due to fluctuations in body weight during childbirth. Dr. Harper offers liposuction for precise fat removal, reshaping your contours, and restoring harmony to your body’s proportions. This procedure can be tailored to address multiple areas, including thighs, abdomen, waist, hips, buttocks, chest, upper arms, back, inner knee, neck, cheeks, and chin.

Your Mommy Makeover Recovery

The duration and intensity of your recovery for your mommy makeover in Indianapolis, will depend on the specific procedures you undergo and whether they are combined in one session or staggered over several weeks. When breast enhancement and body contouring are combined, you may experience a slightly longer downtime. But if you stagger the procedures, your overall recovery time may be longer.

After surgery, you may experience common side effects like swelling, bruising, and discomfort for a few weeks. In most cases, you can resume daily activities and work within a week, but strenuous workouts should be avoided for six to eight weeks. You’ll start noticing the results over several weeks, but the final results will become apparent within six months to a year.

Before & After Mommy Makeover


Mommy Makeover FAQs

What types of procedures are included with a mommy makeover?

A mommy makeover in Indianapolis can include a range of procedures tailored to your unique needs, including breast lifts, breast augmentation, tummy tucks, liposuction, and more. Dr. Harper will help you create a customized plan that addresses your specific concerns.

I'm attempting to lose weight. When should I schedule my mommy makeover?

Ideally, it’s advisable to reach a stable weight before considering a mommy makeover. This ensures the best results, as fluctuations in weight can impact the outcome. If you undergo a mommy makeover and then experience sudden weight loss, you may have additional skin laxity, which can undo the results of your procedure. Dr. Harper can offer guidance on timing your mommy makeover for optimal, lasting results.

I am breastfeeding. When is the earliest that I can have a mommy makeover?

For optimal results, it’s recommended to wait until after you have stopped breastfeeding and your body has had time to recover. Your body needs time to stabilize before undergoing surgical procedures. Dr. Harper will carefully examine your body, ask questions about your lifestyle and goals, and determine the most suitable timing for your mommy makeover in Indianapolis.

Can I undergo a mommy makeover if I still intend on having more children?

A mommy makeover can deliver dramatic results, but future pregnancies can negatively affect these outcomes. If you go through childbirth again after a mommy makeover, you may again suffer from additional skin laxity, abdominal muscle separation, and breast sagging. As such, if you plan on having more children, it might be best to delay your mommy makeover. Dr. Harper can help you time your mommy makeover to ensure it aligns with your family planning goals.

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Why Choose SHarper Plastic Surgery For Your Mommy Makeover In Indianapolis?

Reclaim your pre-pregnancy body and elevate your contours with Dr. Harper’s personalized approach to a mommy makeover. A recognized Top Doc, board-certified plastic surgeon, and specialist in mommy makeovers, tummy tucks, and breast procedures, Dr. Harper brings a wealth of expertise to your aesthetic journey. With his guidance, you can confidently explore your options and craft a personalized plan that aligns with your goals. Please schedule your consultation to initiate your journey to reclaiming your body with a mommy makeover in Indianapolis.

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