Do you have excess hanging skin and fat in the upper arm?
Excess hanging skin and fat in the upper arm can be treated surgically with a procedure called brachioplasty. This surgery helps reduce the unwanted extra skin and stubborn fat that can be genetic in nature, or is sometimes left behind after weight loss, resulting in a tighter, more contoured upper arm. Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Stanley Harper performs brachioplasty in Indianapolis to help achieve the contoured arms desired!
Patients who are bothered by significant excess skin or fat of the upper arms are potential candidates for this surgery. Best results are achieved when the patient is at a stable weight prior to brachioplasty. Fill out the consultation form below or call us to schedule your consultation today.
Embrace your best confidence. Our board-certified surgeon and master injector are here to guide you toward an impeccably and authentically youthful appearance with personalized care and advanced solutions. Begin your journey with a consultation, and take the first step to a vibrantly confident future.
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With brachioplasty Indianapolis patients undergo the surgery under general anesthesia, and is an outpatient procedure. Recovery is usually mild, with most patients returning to work in about a week.
Embrace your best confidence. Our board-certified surgeon and master injector are here to guide you toward an impeccably and authentically youthful appearance with personalized care and advanced solutions. Begin your journey with a consultation, and take the first step to a vibrantly confident future.
Sharper Plastic Surgery
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