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Inject Away Your Double Chin

Kybella is a cosmetic injectable that effectively combats submental fullness, commonly known as a “double chin.” It contains deoxycholic acid, a naturally occurring substance in the body that aids in fat breakdown and absorption. When injected into the targeted area beneath the chin, Kybella works to destroy fat cells, which are then gradually metabolized by the body. This non-invasive procedure offers a safe and permanent solution for patients seeking a more defined and youthful jawline without surgery.

beautiful after kybella injections in Indianapolis, IN

Kybella Corrects:

  • Submental fullness (double chin)
  • Excess fat beneath the chin
  • Lack of jawline definition

Benefits Of Kybella:

  • Non-surgical
  • Permanent fat reduction
  • Improved jawline contour
  • Minimal discomfort
  • Little to no downtime

Kybella FAQs

How does Kybella work?

Kybella contains deoxycholic acid, a naturally occurring substance that breaks down and absorbs dietary fat. When injected into the area under the chin, it targets and destroys fat cells.

Is Kybella permanent?

Yes, Kybella provides a permanent reduction of fat cells in the treated area. Once destroyed, these fat cells cannot store or accumulate fat again. However, the existing fat cells can still expand if you gain weight, so a healthy lifestyle is crucial.

How many Kybella treatments will I need?

The number of treatments varies depending on individual goals and the amount of submental fat present. When we administer Kybella in Indianapolis, most people require 3 to 6 sessions, usually about 4-6 weeks apart.

What are the side effects of Kybella?

Common side effects include swelling, bruising, pain, and redness at the injection site. These usually resolve within a few days to a few weeks.

Is Kybella painful?

Discomfort is common during and after the injection but is typically manageable. We can also use numbing agents or ice packs to minimize discomfort.

When will I see the results?

It may take around 6 weeks to notice visible results as your body gradually eliminates the damaged fat cells, but the final results usually appear after about 6 months, provided you continue with all follow-up sessions.

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SHarper Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery takes a physician-led approach to aesthetic treatments, with our qualified medical staff administering injectables like Kybella. We’re committed to serving our patients’ needs, ensuring they look good and feel their best. Schedule a consultation with Dr. Harper to explore how Kybella in Indianapolis can help you achieve a more defined and confident appearance. Take the first step towards a sharper, more beautiful you!

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