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Inmode award for Morpheus8 in Indianapolis
morpheus8 top provider 2023 award from inmode

Top Providers of Morpheus8 in Indiana

InMode has awarded SHarper Plastic Surgery and Medspa TOP PROVIDER for Morpheus8 in Indiana!

Make Your Skin Smooth & Youthful with Morpheus8

As we grow older, the tightness and texture of our skin changes and alter our appearance. Thankfully, with Morpheus8 by InMode, it is now possible to slow down that process and reverse the signs of aging.

woman after Morpheus8 in Indianapolis

What Is Morpheus8?

Morpheus8 is a new device that uses radiofrequency microneedling to send energy into the deep layers of your skin, stimulates the production of collagen, and fractionally reshapes and contours your face and body.

Morpheus8 is the only full-body treatment that uses fractional technology to enhance the contours of your face and body. It uses energy between 1mm and 4 mm deep that removes fine lines and deep wrinkles and improves the skin’s texture and skin tone.

Morpheus8 triple treatment includes fat coagulation, bulk heating, and connective tissue contraction. The FDA has approved this device as a Subdermal Adipose Remodeling Device (SARD).

What Is the Morpheus8 Procedure?

All Mopheus8 procedures are performed in our high-end clinic by our specialist aestheticians. During your initial consultation with us at SHarper Surgery, Spa & Salt Lounge in Fishers, Indiana, our aestheticians will understand your requirements and go over the entire procedure with you. Your aesthetician will also discuss what you can expect after the procedure.

The actual procedure will involve cleaning and prepping the target area. We use a topical numbing gel to minimize any type of discomfort, so you will not require any kind of sedation or general anesthesia for the procedure. Depending on your individual needs, we might even provide you with oral medication to help you relax.

The Morpheus8 uses radiofrequency and microneedling to deliver thermal energy or radiofrequency waves. These are delivered into the deep tissue layers with adjustable microneedles that impact the dermis and epidermis. Radiofrequency stimulates the production of collagen. The device makes the microneedles to cause small puncture wounds superficially in the dermis. Now, heat energy can be delivered to the deepest layers of skin to stimulate elastin, collagen, and new skin cells.

The entire procedure takes approximately an hour. Skin tightening in Fishers is that simple at SHarper Surgery, Spa & Salt Lounge.

What Areas Does Morpheus8 Treat?

Mopheus8 can treat almost any area of the body. It addresses problems like fine lines, wrinkles, acne scars, and laxity on the face. It can also treat stretch marks, mild laxity of the body, and surgical scars.

Morpheus8 FAQs

Who is the best candidate for morpheus8?

Anyone looking to address wrinkles, fine lines, rough skin texture, pores, acne scars, skin laxity, or stretch marks can benefit from Morpheus8 treatment. The procedure is safe for all skin types.

What kind of results can I expect?

You will begin to see results a few days post-treatment. More noticeable results are visible over the next three months with the creation of new collagen. You can apply makeup a day after the procedure. Avoid direct sunlight for a couple of days post-treatment. The use of sunscreen is a must.

Can Morpheus8 be used with other treatments?

Yes, Morpheus8 can be used with various other treatments to give you youthful facial contours. When used along with microneedling and radiofrequency, these treatments give you better results like tighter and smoother skin.

When you’re looking for methods of skin tightening in Fishers, contact SHarper Surgery, Spa & Salt Lounge for your consultation.


This is a minimally invasive procedure, and you might suffer from some redness for a couple of hours or days following it. You might experience mild swelling over the treated area. We will discuss applying post-procedure products to help hasten the recovery process.

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